Sonntag, 8. Juni 2014

...und das letzte Wort hat die Kaiserin!

1. Österreich
Zuerst mal muss ich mich entschuldigen, mir ist da nämlich in der Nacht der Nächte ein Fauxpas passiert: Es muss natürlich nicht "long live the queen" heißen, sondern "long live the empress"! Noch nie hab ich es erlebt, dass ein Beitrag dermaßen durch einen Wettbewerb getragen wurde - nein, auch nicht bei Tom Dice oder bei den Olsen Brothers. Und ab dem Moment war mir auch klar, wer die Chose 2014 gewinnen wird. Diese Stimme! Diese Ausstrahlung! Diese Blicke! Und: Dieser Song mit DIESEM TEXT! Dazu kamen zwei absolut perfekte Auftritte ohne jeden Schnickschnack, wenn man von den stilisierten Feuerflügeln, ein bisschen Windmaschine, Trockeneis und den Feuersäulen am Schluss mal absieht. Aber mal ehrlich, das ist ja heutzutage quasi nix. Es gibt nicht viele ESCs, die einen so klaren und verdienten Sieger hervorgebracht haben, und wahrscheinlich auch keinen, bei dem die Siegerreprise dermaßen perfekt geklappt hat. All in all: Was für eine Sternstunde für diesen Wettbewerb! Und Conchi, nun geh raus und erobere die Welt!

Hier ist übrigens Eurovision 2014 in a nutshell, sorry, dass ich das auf englisch mache (und sorry an alle, die es schon kennen):

Every Eurovision Song Contest tells a story. A lot of stories. And this year is no exception.

In the two weeks before mother's day, people from all over Europe came to Copenhague (or, as Pilou, one of the three amazing hosts, would say: la mia città (my city)). They all wanted to take part in the ESC, they all were hunters of stars and maybe they would be the one who wins? Who knows?

They all did their best on stage, and every heartbeat was going fast. Everyone asked himself or herself: Will I be the one? Will I start a fire? Or will there be something better? They were, of course, not alone and all wanted to grab our attention. And what songs there were! Some, of course, sang cliché love songs, no way to avoid this. Some wild souls brought one night's anger to the stage. And of course everyone thought: "Quero ser tua (I want to be yours)". The running order was cleverly composed, after heavy or silent storms, there also was calm after the storm. The contestants all were really great, but on the eleventh position came a lady not only with a moustache but with a complete beard. Wow could she SING! What a SONG! What a PERFORMANCE! She did outshine everybody else, and for sure was going to do VERY well.

After everybody had performed, the voting came. Tick tock went the clock, and after the time was up, nothing could be undone any more. And if the voter asked themselves: "is it right" - well, now it was too late for a change of mind!

Round and round it went on the scoreboard, but then the bearded lady did rise like a phoenix to the top. Even those who said of themselves "My Słowianie (we are slavic)" gave her their votes. Many votes. And she was running to victory!

When the lady was coming home, people were waiting for her. They were celebrating and dancing in the rain. Some even had a cake to bake and brought some cheesecake.

What a night! Europe showed the world that we are all children of the universe, that we have no prejudices and that we all beat from the same heart. The lady might know that it's just three minutes to earth, but for now she does rise up to the sky and does her very best to win moj svijet (my world)

It is nothing short to a miracle!

Und wers noch kürzer will, klickt bitte hier!

Merci an alle fürs Lesen und Kommentieren, ich hoffe, es hat Euch Freude gemacht und entschwinde jetzt erstmal in den wohlverdienten Urlaub (und überlasse das Feld dem Hausherren *zwinker*), und wenn ich wiederkomme, ist WM!

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